Breast Reconstruction


Case 1

Early breast reconstruction after unilateral mastectomy, lattisimus dorsi flap (back flap) and implant on the right and breast lift on the left

Case 2

Left Breast reconstruction with "own tissue" only and Right breast lift

Case 3

Left TRAM flap reconstruction

Case 4

Right TRAM flap reconstruction

Case 5

Inmediate TRAM flap reconstruction

Case 6

Bilateral reconstruction, latisimus dorsi flaps over implants, nipples not done

Case 7

After mastectomy and radiation, latisimus dorsi flap over implant and left side lift with implants

Case 8

Bilateral inmediate expander reconstruction

A visionary with a passion for creating natural and harmonious results, Dr. Paul E. Mondolfi welcomes you to discover the benefits of cosmetic plastic surgery.