Before & Afters: Bariatric,
post weight loss surgery
Body contouring after major weight loss has become one of the most common procedures performed by Dr. Mondolfi. The purpose of this procedure is to remove the excess sagging skin and fat, as well as to improve the contour, shape and skin tone. As a result, the patient will have a more appealing appearance of the body. This surgery is, in essence, the final phase of your weight loss experience.
The most common concern among patients that have successfully lost considerable weight, is the abdomen, where a combination of overhanging skin and fat, lax muscles, retraction of the umbilicus and a secondary enlargement of the pubic mound lead to cosmetic and functional issues that can be solved by an extended lipo-abdominoplasty, as demonstrated in the following representative clinical photographs.
The contouring may be performed via a lower abdominal incision:
When dealing with more extensive skin flaccidity you may require an inverted T incision:
At times there are other problems such as large ventral hernias that can be simultaneously corrected with surgery:
If the excess skin and/or fat extend to the back and buttocks a circumferential or a lower body lift maybe necessary to properly contour the trunk:
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Another frequent complaint is that of upper arm flaccidity, the typical case will require an extensive incision that removes the flaccid tissues from the axilla to the elbow and in selected circumstances part of this tissue can be used to assist in filling deflated breasts.
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Thigh deformities may involve the lateral and anterior thigh, and in this case may improve with a lower body lift, however, the most common issue is that of excess skin and fat on the medial (inside) aspect of the thighs and the time-proven way to deal with it is by performing a direct, vertical excision of skin and fat.
Weight loss will often lead to an almost total deflation of the breasts, in those case in which there is not enough surrounding tissue to build up the breast mound, the use of breast prosthesis may be an option.
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Website Copyright ©2013 Paul E.
Mondolfi, MD
Dr. Paul E. Mondolfi is a credentialed, qualified and experienced plastic
surgeon serving the Houston,
Victoria, Sugar Land, San Antonio, Austin and Corpus Christi areas of Texas.
Dr. Mondolfi specializes
in facial plastic surgery, breast and body contouring, and liposculpture.
605 E. San Antonio St. • Suite 450
• Victoria, Texas 77901 • (361) 580-1574
Fax: (361) 570-3709